May 12, 2010

Trails, Triblations, and a Paycheck

Hello People,

Its been a while but much like poltergeist I'm Backkkkkkk!

I've been MIA while I deal with some issues I've been having on the job front. Things have been really traumatic for me, I've been treated in such a way that made me want to leave and never (EVER EVER) look back, of course I have bills to pay so currently this is not an realistic option. My work situation has given me many sleepless nights and a couple of panic attacks to boot! People have told me "Oh in this economy just be lucky you have a job", I am grateful for a job but that is not a justification to take the onslot of insensitivity and blatant nepotism that I've have had to endure. I am in a better place in my spirit right now because I know God will not give me more then I can handle, but it has been TRYING to say the least. Anywho moving on and upward from the trials and tribulations for a paycheck........My hair is in now in month number 10 of my transition, I have been sticking with 2-strand twist and twist outs as my staple style but as summer approaches I am looking for something new........any thoughts

N. Stiletto

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